Rob Bot Robot Mechanic Halloween Special. On sale now!!

Get them while they last. Rob Bot sets out on some fun strange journeys filled with technoghosts, gremlins, specters and much more. Get it today for the low price of $3.50 USD! Comes autographed with sketch on inside-back-cover!


Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Well here I am the day after Thanksgiving 2005 freezing my buns off on the beach in my home state of Rhode Island. It is a balmy 26 degrees at about 8 am. Waves didn't look too hot, but when I got out there some were shoulder to head high and had some pretty good shoulders. I have no pictures of my surfbuddy hambone. Maybe he'll get a blog and start posting. As I said before: "we all need to take breaks." The ocean is great for a break. No technology in sight!

Monday, November 28, 2005

:: Wizard Boston 2005 ::

I just wanted to post some pictures here of some of the people we met in Wizard Boston this year. This was the first time Wizard had a show in Boston and being locals we thought it would make sense to show up and set up in Artist Alley. You can check out our set up and check out people like this guy who bought out 99th and 100th book of the weekend. Thank you Boston and also others who travelled there for helping us out and supporting small-press!

Anyone recognize this fellow? This is Ethan Van Sciver (currently on Green Lantern). He sat on our right and was really cool. I'm always amazed when I meet someone in the industry who is as sucessful as Ethan is and still he remains cool and down-to-earth. I hear horror stories about some of the "famous" among the industry.

Here's some people who hung out for a bit. We like talking to people, even if they don't pick anything up. Assuming it's a normal conversation.

Here's a robot sketch I did for someone. I believe he asked for some sort of 'franken-bot' made up of different items. He chose the head.

Look who sat on our left. That's right, Jim Starling. He's a pretty cool guy. We enjoyed talking with him and his lady friend. Again, it's always cool finding out who you are sitting next to. They were kind enough to have a pict with T.J. and I. I'm on the right. Man I look good. LOL! I'm just kidding.

Anyway. I can't wait till the next big con. I guess it's going to be Philly? Not sure. I should be there with my newest endevor, Catching Lucifer's Lunch. Written by T.J. May (my bro) and published through us, SUMM Publications. Come see us!

:: SPX 2005/ Boston cont... ::

Yeah, I know I'm a little late here, but I've been busy with CLL. Check it out! Harvey Pekar (spelling?) I've got his book here somewhere, but I'm too lazy to find it. He was a character. It was fun meeting him. Guess his new book through Vertigo should be out. It's called Quitter

Here's a robot sketch I did.

Here I am in all my glory! I stand, ready for the next comic fan to walk by so I can leap on them like a Jackle and beg them to take notice. Take notice!!

Here's a dude that stopped by a few times to talk. He dug what we were doing and I believe he has a column on-line somewhere. If and when I find out where that may be, I'll post it here.

Ah yes, one of my favorite people to accidentally take pictures of. This fellow writes for TV. He is one funny guy. I enjoy seeing him at the shows. And actually... I think this pict was taken at Wizard Boston 2005.... Oops...

Here's another robot sketch. This one was requested by the kid who owns (geez I hope I spelled that right). I've got his card somewhere. His name is Jason too. And this was Wizard Boston too!

Check it out! Recognize him? That's the guys from Texas Chainsaw Masacre. He also does all sorts of voices for cartoons and anime. That's my bro on the right with a copy of A Day in the Psychosis of David Price in his hand.

Yet another robot sketch. This guy was cool enough to have me draw in his book. Didn't even have to provide paper. He just said, "draw a robot." I don't love doing that, cause the whole idea of paying $10 for a custom robot is to customize him/her/it. But hey! Whatever you want, you get.

Guess that's it. Hope all's well and come see me at That's Entertainment on December 10th, 2005. You can also meet T.J. May and Geoff Mosse too! Not bad!

Friday, November 25, 2005

:: Turkey Day and Creating Comics ::

Alright! Great Turkey Day here. I had a huge helping of food and plan on doing it all again tomorrow at a 2nd feast!

This morning I was able to head out to a beach here in RI and snag some chest/head high waves with my surf chum "Hambone". This is what I do to relax between comics and being a stay-at-home dad. I find that not being near a computer and being to wet to change a diaper is a great advantage, not to mention the health benefits. I hope to have a picture soon from my friend. It was a balmy 26 degrees this morning. YEOCH! Good times.

On a side note: I have published my first article at My Comic Creating Blog for those of you struggling your way into comics. I wish I had a resource like this five years ago. I'm sure there's something else out there, but I have to answer lots of questions for people I'm doing projects for and this gives me a way to say, "Hey! Check out my blog. It's in there."

So go have a look and if you like it, bookmark it and hopefully you'll click on the DONATION button at some point and toss me a few coins.

Have a safe holiday weekend.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

:: Book Signing at That's Entertainment, Worcester MA ::

Come see me and my fellow SUMM Publication's artists at That's Entertainment in Worcester MA on December 10th, 2005. You can also me T.J. May (writer and creator of Ill Conceived and A Day in the Psychosis of David Price) and Geoff Mosse (Artist of A Day in the Psychosis of David Price and writer/artist of Sinn Fien) We should have copies of Ill Conceived as well as the 'convention special,' A Day in the Psychosis of David Price.

I think I may bring some robot prints. Check them out at and decide which ones you like before you come. They are only $5.00 and are each a color print limited edition of 100 prints. People have really dug them at the shows. If I have enough room I will be doing my regular $10 to design your own robot pencil sketches.

See ya there!
:: ::

I have started posting material at Previously a pointer to www.ultraviolettedesign, will be the one stop to see my comic book artwork. I will be updating it soon and adding more content. Right now it is under construction, but you can view some of my paintings, pencils and some colors. Please drop me a line if you have any requests or suggestions.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

:: A Day in the Psychosis of David Price ::

This is my most recentcomicbook work. It is available through This happens to bethe 'conventionspecial,' which is only available through cons, signingsand the web. You can't buy this at the stores. You will find my letteringin this book as wellas publication design and a painting for the front coverart. There are alsoother miscellanous design elements throughout designedby myslef.

In the back of the book you'll find a 9 page Deviant Societyshort, drawn, coloredand lettered by me. Not a bad deal, two stories for$4.00.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

I'll be signing at That's Entertainment in Worcester MA on December 10th. I will be there with my brother/ pulishing partner T.J. May and artist Geoff Mosse promoting our most recent book A Day in the Psychosis of David Price. Come see us and get yourself a copy of our book and meet the creators.
I'm putting finishing touches on a book for SUMM Publications called, "Catching Lucifer's Lunch." It is a 48 page graphic novella written by T.J. May and art, letters and publication design by myself. It looks like it shaping up to be a fantastic book. I can't wait to see such a large ammount of my own work to hit the stands. Please contact your local stores and bug the heck out of them to carry it. They can contact us direct through It will be released in 2006 but does not have a release date. I hope to get some preview art up here as soon as I finish laying out the pages.

I also am finishing up the publication design on Sinn Fien, a book by Geoff Mosse. It will be published through a company called Paper Dragonz. I did all the letters and publication design. Make sure you pick it up.
Alright, I've moved the J-log from the SUMM Publications' chat board to here. I thought maybe I should have an appropriate blog for my friends and fans to see what is happening in the wonderful world of Jason May's artwork. Not to mention people who might be googling me to find out what I'm up to. Hello all and welcome.